Ignite The Change
We empower you to embrace a sustainable and self-sufficient future
Shrink The Impact
We enable you to reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint
Unleash The Possible
We help you navigate the complexities of responsible heating effortlessly.
Are you tired of high energy bills and a carbon footprint that just keeps growing? It's time to take control of your energy usage and make a positive impact on the environment. At Heats On, we offer a range of leading renewable energy products and solutions that can transform your homes energy efficiency.
Discover our solar panel and battery storage solutions set new standards in sustainable energy.
Thermal solar will heat your water with the sun, for a cheaper,cleaner, greener future.
Leave old heating methods behind. Infrared delivers unrivalled energy savings and comfort
Join the revolution! HEATS ON delivers innovative, sustainable heating solutions in Scotland. With 25+ years of expertise, we empower you to embrace energy self-sufficiency, reduce bills, and make a positive impact on the environment. Experience the power of responsible heating today.
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